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Evan Bernard | Class of 2017

Meet Evan! This super fun senior will be graduating in May from Francis Howell North High School. Evan plays volleyball and is involved in DECA. In the fall, Evan is heading to Maryville University to study cyber security. We met him on a particularly nice February day in St. Charles for his photo session.

I don't know that we've laughed so hard during a session. Evan was a blast to spend the afternoon with. And we learned a lot about him, from his love of dogs (think squirrel-level distraction!) to his entertainment preferences (though we still can't get over his dedication to the DC-EU, since we're all MCU!; though redemption came when we found out what movie he was seeing later that night ... you'll have to read more to find out which one!).

Here are some of our favorites from Evan's session:

The gates to the barge were open! I think it's one of the first times I've been to Frontier Park when they were open. We definitely took full advantage. Evan wanted to be a rebel and walk where the signs explicitly said not to, but he kept his rebellious side at bay, and just sat on the railings instead. Probably for the best, because I would have been too scared to follow him out!

Even though we had success at the barge, we did not have as much luck at the location of the first state capitol. Patti, his mom, was really interested in this building, but the gates around the building were locked, so we improvised and got some pictures by the fence.

This location was particularly bad for dogs! Any time Evan saw one, he would get this fun grin on his face. Even though I couldn't see the dogs, I always knew they were around because Evan got so excited and distracted! But it was totally worth it, because I could sneak in a few pictures of him and that grin!

Such fun colorful backgrounds! While we were walking down Main Street to find the perfect alleyway, Evan was telling us about his plans for the rest of the evening ... going to see the "Lego Batman" movie with his girlfriend. We definitely agree those were good plans!

Evan showed up from work with these glasses. He didn't mind them, but his mom really wanted pictures without them, and while the glasses are fun, you can really get a good sense of his personality without them! :)

Remember the fun dog-inspired grin I was describing? This picture on the right is a perfect example of it!

We were incredibly fortunate that it was an overcast day. Usually this bridge is super splotchy from sun, but the clouds evened the light out perfectly! And I'm glad it did, since this is one of the places his mom specifically said she wanted!

Thank you Evan and Patti for coming out and spending the afternoon with us! It was a pleasure working with you both! And good luck at Maryville!

Rising Tide Society | (314) 629-6531                                                                                                            © 2023 by Kelly Gordon Photography

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