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Burns Family | Fall Session

Everything about our session with the Burns family was wonderful! We met Randy, Mallorey, Kylar and Foster at Hellebusch Park near both of our houses and we were all so excited to see there was still beautiful fall colors on the trees. Everything about their session was amazing! I love their color scheme, with the red and grey. And the colors in the trees. And the park. And everything about them as a family! Randy and Mallorey are terrific people and wonderful parents. And Kylar was excited to tell me about her school. And Foster, while he was a bit hesitant to talk to me at first, really opened up, especially when we got closer to the park!

I would also like to thank Mallorey and Randy. We donated a session to our local school's education foundation auction and they were so kind as to bid and earned the free session. I am so thankful to them for donating to our area school! It was such an honor to work with them!

There were really some beautiful trees left for the Burns family. I really love this picture for two reason — everyone looks so happy, and the wonderful pop of the fall colors!

Kylar and Foster are so adorable together! Foster was in this funny mood where he didn't want to give anyone kisses, including his sister. But we did get him to give hugs, and it was adorable! And one of the benefits of photographing at the park is getting fun pictures on swings! :)

Another great look from Foster! Sticking his tongue out. So cute!

Everything about this family makes me smile!

How sweet are they?! I really love how happy everyone is, especially Kylar. I just love it!

More fun swing pictures! This was such a great way to get some happy smiles from both kids.

At the park we found this stunning red tree, and it matched perfectly with their clothing color scheme!

This is another one of my favorites of everyone all together!

I really love getting a minute with the parents alone, and Mallorey and Randy were having so much fun!

Everything about this family is perfect!

It's also fun to let the kids love on mom and dad. Everyone always has so much fun when we do these pictures, and Kylar and Foster were loving it.

Kylar and Foster were so sweet with mom. Foster didn't want to give kisses but he was definitely cuddly and Kylar kept giving mom "shotgun kisses." But the pictures with the kids and dad are just perfect! He was willing to play Hulk to Foster's Spiderman, and even show some spunk with Kylar. Perfect!

Rising Tide Society | (314) 629-6531                                                                                                            © 2023 by Kelly Gordon Photography

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