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Kasprzyk Family | Fall Pictures

Christy is one of my favorite people ever! So when she asked me about doing her son's senior pictures, and a few pictures of her family, I was so excited! I've meet her family a few times over the years (usually at Wizard Con!), but it was great getting to actually spend some time with them and get to know them all better. The Kasprzyk's and the Gordons have a lot of shared interested, so getting together with them with the perfect opportunity to talk all things sci-fi, including "Stranger Things," the new Star Wars movie, our excitement over the guests at this year's upcoming Wizard Con and everything in between!

We also, of course, did take some pictures. :) Here are some of my favorites of the Kasprzyk family! (See Joseph's senior pictures here!)

What a lovely family! And they even got down the matching maroon and green! :)

Meet the Kasprzyk family: Richard, Ann, Joseph and Christy.

Richard wanted pictures of each family member, and I think that was a wonderful idea!

There is this lovely tree at the park that is just made for family pictures!

Joseph really wanted to climb the tree, so everyone got in on it (with Joseph at the top, of course!)

Something about walking while holding hands was incredibly funny to Christy (I don't know that she even exactly knew why!), but it made her laugh a lot (really, the whole session made her laugh,) which I love!

I really, really, really love these pictures of Richard and Christy. They are such fun people, and such a happy couple, and I feel like you can really tell that here.

See, she can't stop laughing! And I think by this point she's spread the laughter to Anna, too!

How can you not see the fun between Richard and Christy?! I mean, they are just so adorable!

We didn't plan it, but Joseph totally volunteered to have his picture taken with his sister, which is just so nice! And they both look happy, which is an added bonus!

We of course had to do mom and dad pictures with Joseph and Anna, and I think they are perfect!

Such a wonderful family! They all make me happy!

Rising Tide Society | (314) 629-6531                                                                                                            © 2023 by Kelly Gordon Photography

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