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Emily Schoonover | Class of 2019

Emily is a senior at Timberland High School. She plays doubles tennis and is going to college for nursing. I have known Emily since she she was in elementary school. I think this has been the first time in my life I've had that moment of disbelief of how quickly kids grow up! When I found out she had her driver's license, I just couldn't believe it. And now that she's a senior, I'm in complete shock. But it was a total honor to get to spend an afternoon with her to take these pictures.

This might be my favorite from the whole session!

While I don't normally subscribe to the J.J. Abrams style (lens flare), this picture of the left makes me happy because of Emily's smile. She has such a wonderful smile!

Emily's eyes are so blue; I love how they stand out!

This sweater is so perfect for Emily (even if she may have borrowed it from her mom!).

It's super pretty and so soft and comfy!

One of the best things about having moms on shoots is that they know exactly what makes their kids laugh, and whatever expression Mickey did, it worked perfectly!

Did you notice Emily's necklace? It's an owl, and it's wonderful!

We came up one of the best spots in St. Charles! One of the Main Street restaurants moved, and so their outdoor patio was open, including a wonderful little fountain, that was perfect for laying!

Another one of my favorites!

Outfit change time! I love the flowy and lacey-ness of this shirt. Emily looks so lovely!

Another great laugh thanks to mom! And the contrast of that red wall!

See how useful this fountain is?! Perfect leaning size for Emily!

There was this great wall of green foliage that made for the perfect backdrop!

This one of the left is so great! Emily was definitely in vogue (later she also did the Macarena!), and I love how much fun she had, and that we captured it!

Everything about these two pictures is perfect! I can't believe how mature Emily looks on the left.

And, on the right, how much fun she's having!

One of the best things about fall pictures is the leaves! Thanks to Mickey and Jared for making this leaf effect happen! Thank you to Emily and Mickey for letting us spend the day with them! It was perfect!

Rising Tide Society | (314) 629-6531                                                                                                            © 2023 by Kelly Gordon Photography

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